Why do we invest in space?

Nowadays, the visionary space vector enables us to move forward in revealing the mysteries of the vast universe.

Technological leaps have reduced the cost of space-based endeavors and opened up huge opportunities for commercial companies in a growing multibillion market. Now it is possible to develop new perspectives on the space sector, make quicker, more qualitative decisions, limit risks, and refine life on Earth.

Strategic vision

Strategic development and expansion in the space sector are one of the primary focus areas of Noosphere Ventures. We believe that the space industry will adopt the principles of vertical integration, allowing the new generation of space companies to hold control over the launch, satellites, data analysis, communications, and ground stations.

By versing funds into the development of game-changing space initiatives, we are on the cusp of creating a next-gen business vertical that is to bring about fundamental planetwide changes.

Investment Targets

Our current investment plans are to add to our portfolio various companies from different segments of the space ecosystem, including:

  • Small satellite
  • Orbital transfer vehicles
    for deploying satellites
  • Space tugs and debris
    removal systems
  • Moon projects and commercial deep space exploration missions
  • Component suppliers
    for small satellites
  • Earth observation
    and data analysis
  • Ground and
    communication services